Liberton/Gilmerton by-election

I’m standing as the Pirate Party’s candidate in the Liberton/Gilmerton by-election for Edinburgh council.

The by-election is happening because at the general election, one of Liberton/Gilmerton ward’s 4 councillors, Ian Murray, was elected to parliament as the MP for Edinburgh South. This means that Liberton/Gilmerton ward is one councillor short, and the by-election to replace Mr Murray will take place on Thursday 9th September.

Britain today is an information society; millions of people now have the internet intervowen into the fabric of their everyday lives. But our leaders are still living in the past. A symptom of this is the Digital Economy Act, where the politicians decided to try to cripple the internet and abolish our civil liberties in order to save the record companies’ obsolete business model.

What I stand for

Digital rights issues:

  • repeal the Digital Economy Act 2010
  • no-one should be disconnected from the internet unless they’ve been found guilty of a criminal offense after been given a fair trial
  • no collective punishment: so no-one to be disconnected from the internet because another member of their household has broken the law
  • ensure everyone has access to the full possibilities that the internet has to offer
  • ensure computers and the internet aren’t used to build a total surveillance society where the government watches our every move

Better transport around Edinburgh:

  • single bus fares should be valid for bus journeys involving a change of bus
  • tickets should be valid for all bus/tram/rail operators in Edinburgh
  • Edinburgh needs a city bicycle sharing scheme, like London and Paris have
  • consider re-opening the Edinburgh South Suburban Railway
  • in the longer term, a city-wide taxibus service combining the cost of a bus with the service of a taxi

More affordable housing:

  • everyone in Edinburgh should have access to affordable housing to rent or buy as is their preference
  • reduce council house waiting lists to zero
  • all new housing built in Edinburgh to be built to the latest standards of insulation

Edinburgh is a beautiful city and a fine place to live. I want to make it even better. Together we can build a modern, efficient, 21st century Edinburgh.

If you’re a voter and have any questions you’d like to put to me, you can email me at p.hunt [at]

Some links

11 Responses to Liberton/Gilmerton by-election

  1. Pingback: I’m standing for election to Edinburgh council! « Phil Hunt for Liberton/Gilmerton

  2. Pingback: Employee parking at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh « Phil Hunt for Liberton/Gilmerton

  3. Pingback: David Cameron breaks his promises | Phil Hunt for Liberton/Gilmerton

  4. Pingback: Colin Fox spreads untruths | Phil Hunt for Liberton/Gilmerton

  5. Pingback: Balls talks bollocks on housing | Phil Hunt for Liberton/Gilmerton

  6. Pingback: The Jilted Generation and the Pirate Party | Phil Hunt for Liberton/Gilmerton

  7. Tulloch Gorum says:

    Mr. Hunt,

    aside from the rather vague “ensure everyone has access to the full possibilities that the internet has to offer”, are any of the policies in the Digital Rights section of your minifesto within the competance of a councillor? Are those not rather the provence of our parliaments and therefore irrelevent to the by-election?

    • Phil Hunt says:

      are any of the policies in the Digital Rights section of your minifesto within the competance of a councillor?

      You’re right that Edinburgh council doesn’t have the power to abolish the Digital Economy Act.

      Are those not rather the provence of our parliaments and therefore irrelevent to the by-election?

      Surely it’s up to the voters to decide what is relevant? One person I spoke to said she was voting SSP because she’s against the war in Afghanistan.

      This election will be fought using STV. That means that someone could give me their 1st preference vote, and if I don’t win there vote counts as their second preference. If voters who oppose the DEA do that, they will be signaling their opposition to this iniquitous and unworkable law; and if enough do, the parties at Westminster will take notice.

  8. Pingback: Edinburgh Pirate meetup | Amused Cynicism

  9. Pingback: Council Elections 2012 – Meet the candidates – Phil Hunt : The Edinburgh Reporter

  10. Pingback: Edinburgh Pirate Party - Liberton / Gilmerton by-election, 20 June 2013

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